I am currently on sabbatical as a visiting scholar at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Massachusetts, USA, under the Fulbright Program. I deeply thank the host professor, Professor Dannenbaum and the Fulbright Program. Tufts University's campus is located in a very clean and...
My co-edited English book on the Ukraine conflict is now published by Springer. This book attempts to provide a perspective on the Ukraine conflict both from Asia and international law. It includes articles by leading scholars in Japan as well as an article by the former ICC Judge of the Philippi...
My book in English about the Rohingya Crisis and the ICC is published by Springer. It will be published first as an eBook, and later in print. I deeply thank for the Springer editors. The printed version is hopefully published in July. Hitomi Takemura, The Rohingya Crisis and the Internatio...
My book in Japanese language about the discretion of the ICC Prosecutor is out. The book was financially supported by the Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi Univeristy. I deeply thank the faculty of law of Hitotsubashi University. I wish you have a wonderful holiday and new year....
Mandiner news magazine interviewed me on the situation in the Ukraine. Hungarian version is also available. I thank Dr. Sándor Lénárd for providing me with this opportunity. My heart goes out to the unfortunate victims of the tragic conflict....
I had the opportunity to work on the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, revising the manuscript of the second edition by Professor Michael K. Duffey in the section 'Conscientious Objection, Ethics of'. I was also given the opportunity to write the entry on 'Military ...
I wish you a Happy New Year 2021 and All the Best Wishes. Please excuse me for this late update, but it is indeed a great honor for me to have the opportunity to participate in the video conference of the International Criminal Court in Olomouc, Czech Republic. I would like to do my best to make it...
I contributed an expert comment on the Rohingya issue and the International Criminal Court to the Japanese Society of International Law's website. The comment is written in Japanese....
© Hitomi Takemura